Oct 10, 2022

Meet Adi of Facial Healing by Adi

Updated: May 22, 2023

At the age of 40, when many of her friends decided to go the Botox route Adi knew she was going to work her way into well-aging, and decided to go the NOtox route. She wanted to find an alternative way to reduce her wrinkles, get a glow to her face, and look great the natural way.

"Besides, every wrinkle I have - I earned with hard work."

Adi recently decided to follow her love and passion for natural & holistic well-being by becoming a certified Facial Reflexologist followed by a European Facial Cupping certification. She then went on to get certified by Cicely Braden in Gua Sha and lastly took a Face Taping course for professionals - the Eastern European way. Adi learned from all top-notch teachers about the best methods out there. These alternative methods work wonders, and they treat the body naturally while adding a cosmetic benefit (who doesn’t love that?).

Adi currently resides in Tampa, Florida where she offers a variety of facial healing services and even facial parties for groups. Adi is passionate about treating people and seeing results, but most of all, she loves the compliments she gets from her happy clients after each treatment.

"I love that West Tenth gives small businesses a platform to market themselves and get more customers."